Completing your Award - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

DofE App: Search for "DofE" in your app Store or go to:        www.dofe.org/app/

Need some help? Please go to the DofE Website for some frequently asked questions: 

DofE App FAQs: https://help.edofe.org/hc/en-gb/sections/360005152674-DofE-App-FAQsxz/

eDofE Website:       www.edofe.org/

Need some help? Please go to these YouTube Videos for some training: 

eDofE - How to Logon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jNfHskqZ-E

Completing a Section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c3pQgTtEFU&t=25s

How do I get a Section signed off by my Assessor?

If you have Sections of the Award completed like Volunteering, Physical and Skills and if you have passed the forecasted end dates you should be contacting the Assessor for the report as soon as possible. The best way to do this is by sending this template email below to each Assessor. Experience tells us that most Assessors turn this around in 24 hours and it only takes them 5 minutes to complete. For example:

"Title: Request for Duke of Edinburgh Award Assessor Report

Dear Assessor,
Name: Enter Name
Participant ID: Enter ID from your EDofE account.

Please could you complete an Assessor reports for the above online using the Participant ID Number detailed. Please visit: https://edofe.org/Assessor

The level is Bonze / Silver / Gold (Delete as appropriate) and Section is Skills / Physical / Expedition / Volunteering (Delete as appropriate)

Please come back to me if you have any questions.

Thank you for support.