Assessor Reports - How do I get my reports completed?

Assessor Report

We recommend you email your Assessor for a report using the template below so please remember to complete this essential element of the completion. We are aiming for Bronze completion around July, Silver in October and Gold in March 2024 so that we can hold an Awards Ceremony early in 2024 for Bronze and Silver Students. Gold Students will be invited to St James Palace or Buckingham Palace on completion.

Title: Request for Duke of Edinburgh Award Assessor Report

 Dear Assessor,
Name: Enter  Your Name
Participant ID: Enter ID from your EDofE account.

Please could you complete an Assessor reports for the above online using the Participant ID Number detailed. Please visit:

The level is Bonze / Silver / Gold (Delete as appropriate) and Section is Skills / Physical / Expedition / Volunteering / Residential  (Delete as appropriate)